Dave Griffiths is an artist and filmmaker. Within his practice is a somewhat fanatical appreciation of the cinematic medium. Often working with existing footage, he celebrates the subtlest of filmic nuances.
An ongoing motif in his work is the cue dot: the cinematographer’s discrete marker on screen to indicate an imminent reel change. Griffiths has amassed an impressive archive of cue dots, linking diverse film clips and stills with one consistent but rarely noticed mechanical device. When exhibited his growing archive has taken various forms, from edited film sequences to a colour microfiche sheet.
Griffiths has exhibited internationally since 2002 in a variety of festivals, conferences, galleries, micro-cinemas and other temporary artist-run spaces. He is represented by Bureau Gallery, Salford.
The artist was in the following exhibition: Infernal Machine Links :www.davegriffiths.info www.bureaugallery.co.uk