Recycled Cinema

10 - 24 November 2012

In his 1943 novel The Glass Bead Game, Herman Hesse conceived of “a mode of playing with the total contents and values of our culture” in an artgame of aesthetic contemplation wherein a “whole universe of possibilities and combinations'' would be made available to the individual player. Hesse stopped short of providing specific details, thus paving the way for attempts at ‘playable variants’ of the glass bead game.

Games against Cinema will posit the practice and theory of cinematic appropriation as one of Hesse's potential variants of the glass bead game. Jonathan Thomas will be staging collaborative research games that attempt to question some of the aesthetic, ethical and political implications of this game-based approach to the moving image.

The exhibition is accompanied by a workshop by Jonathan Thomas. Recycled Cinema is a two-day practical video editing workshop led by Jonathan Thomas that explores the found footage tradition within experimental film. Through a series of practical exercises, screenings and discussions, the sessions aim to develop the practical skills and theoretical knowledge of the complete beginner.

For more information and to book your place email The two-day session costs £20.00
