Sam Venables, THESE HANDS, 2017
Sam Venables makes artworks that use low culture references and pop imagery, making direct references to buying and selling in all its forms. She is interested in why people are drawn to things, objects or activities. Her work is driven by fandom, display and technique, and occupies the space between these three things.
Venables started out as a tailor at Levi’s, and her respect for tactile skill can be seen in her artwork which often has a handmade quality. It is vital to her that an artwork meets her own standards of quality control, whether this means doing it herself or working with skilled craftspeople. 'It is crucial to me that the method and material are the most appropriate for the object I am making. I recently undertook a traditional sign-writing course in a working fairground yard under showman Joby Carter as I wanted to develop my skills in order to produce more text-based works. There is a constant underlying conversation in my work about class and value. The cycle of going to work in order to make work or folding bespoke skill sets such as shop fitting or sign writing into my own practice is recurrent. This position has always been a necessity for me but now also I am seeing it as a point of research within my work. I have always worked to support my practice and for the past ten years I have worked as a visual merchandiser developing a visual language for a brand and thinking about the retail space as an exhibition space to communicate objects of value.'
Her interest in display can also be found in her curatorial projects. In 2016 she curated a project called
IT’S FRIDAY as part of Glasgow International across four shopfronts, displayed in a bespoke department style window presentation. Previously Sam was director of The Royal Standard, Liverpool. Recent shows include
Slummy, PlazaPLaza, London,
Effort, Dada Post, Berlin and
Do/Don't at Airspace, Stoke on Trent.
The artist was in the following exhibition: Everything.
All At Once.
At The Same Time. Links :http://www.corridor8.co.uk/article/things-money-art-work-class/