Cekca Het:
Trans Panic:
Rhiannon Lowe:
Burn It Down

10 December 2021

18.30 - 20.00 drop in.

Rhiannon’s hosting an evening of noise and visuals, bit of drink, fire and fun, over at g39, using her work on show as part of the current exhibition No Time To Plan An Ending as kindling.

Based on her project Cekca Het: Trans Panic which started life a few years back in g39’s library, Rhiannon developed her ideas into a solo show at Mission Gallery in Swansea, supported by an ACW grant while based on the Freelands fellowship.

Rhiannon’s work explores her trans identity and community, along with wider issues of exclusion, sensationalised media attention and inequality. Using sound, multimedia installation, text, textile, drawing, print and ephemera, she traces her past to find clues as to where she now finds herself. Cekca Het: Trans Panic combines her never-ending desire to be in a pop/noise band with the struggle and delight of negotiating her gender.

The evening event at g39 will be an informal, drop in/out affair. We’ll be keeping eyes on numbers, so bring masks, be sensible and safe; there might be dancing too, tho, who knows.

Rhiannon’s hosting an evening of noise and visuals, bit of drink, fire and fun, over at g39, using her work on show as part of the current exhibition No Time To Plan An Ending as kindling.

Based on her project Cekca Het: Trans Panic which started life a few years back in g39’s library, Rhiannon developed her ideas into a solo show at Mission Gallery in Swansea, supported by an ACW grant while based on the Freelands fellowship.

Mae gwaith Rhiannon yn archwilio ei hunaniaeth draws a’i chymuned, ynghyd â materion ehangach o waharddiad, sylw'r cyfryngau wrth greu cyffrogarwch, ac anghydraddoldeb. Gan ddefnyddio sain, gosodiad amlgyfrwng, testun, tecstilau, lluniadu, print ac effemera, mae hi'n olrhain ei gorffennol i ddod o hyd i gliwiau ynghylch ble mae hi bellach yn ei chanfod ei hun. Mae prosiect diweddar Rhiannon, Cekca Het: Trans Panic yn cyfuno ei hawydd diddiwedd i fod mewn band pop/sŵn gyda’r frwydr a’r hyfrydwch o drafod ei rhywedd.

The evening event at g39 will be an informal, drop in/out affair. We’ll be keeping eyes on numbers, so bring masks, be sensible and safe; there might be dancing too, tho, who knows.
