UNIT(e) 2015

15 January - 14 March 2015

Following a successful pilot year in 2014, g39 is making an open invitation to 12 artists, groups and curators to take over the modular Unit spaces for production, presentation and development. Working alongside the Library residency project, the focus of the season is on dialogue and production. A number of spaces will be constructed that are development spaces during the weekdays, with public access limited to Saturdays throughout the period.

Becca Thomas is bringing her ongoing project Right of the Land to g39 - an investigation of borders, boundaries and the environment explored via the process of walking.

Using Samuel Beckett’s short play Krapp’s Last Tape as a starting point Freya Dooley will develop her investigation of spoken word towards layered, visual, ‘conversational’ installations.

Gwenan Davies is looking at the idea of the Third Space –­ social spaces designed as a hybrid place between the home and the workplace, an idea often incorporated by large conglomerate companies.

Harry Morgan is using varied media to explore reproduction and repetition, gathering everyday familiar objects and subjecting them to rigorous and methodical inspection.

Following a concurrent exhibition of new work at Arcade Cardiff, Jason Pinder is embarking on a period of reflection and dialogue to explore new directions for his sculptural practice and methods.

John-Michael Parry is designing and producing objects that are functionally ambiguous, of skewed logic or that make little sense – questioning and subverting the role of the designer and the relationship between the user, artefacts and the physical world.

Former Warp Intern Matthew Britton is reinstating his working relationship with the g39 volunteers to explore the role of the studio assistant and its potential as part of the creative process.

Following several critically successful curated projects, Nia Metcalfe is refocussing and exploring the artistic side of her practice, making and experimenting.

Richard Bowers is developing an installation/performance piece that draws from material in the works and lives of Edgar Allan Poe and Frederick Chopin – particularly in relation to Poe's mysterious death. He shall automate a cannibalised piano and write the software for an algorithmic composition using fragments of Chopin's 24 Preludes.

Simon Holly is continuing his investigation of reinterpreting found imagery using grids and systems, meticulously deconstructing and reconstructing them by hand or eye.

Tom Goddard’s practice creates extensive bodies of research, which remains unseen when the final work is shown – until now. A sort of wallpaper is a performative assembly line of print production to recycle and reinterpret this research.

good cop bad cop continue their investigation of the life and works of Welsh poet RS Thomas towards developing a multi-media activated installation. This will include re-working ideas developed from the manipulation of natural processes in artificial environments, such as grass growing.
