3-PHASE Kelly Best

3 - 30 October 2015

Kelly Best, Sunder, 2015
Kelly Best, Sunder, 2015

Kelly Best makes work that is rooted in drawing and deals with sculptural concerns; thinking past the constraints of the edge of the paper and drawing directly onto the wall and floor. She is interested in illusion and our understanding of an image or space, and is particularly drawn to contrasts between form, line, colour and void, and the interrelationships that occur between them.

Kelly has developed an evolving artwork using the exhibitions to trial ideas responding to the varied exhibition spaces.

This is the third and final exhibtion of Kelly's work for the Jerwood Encounters: 3-Phase programme.
Jerwood Encounters: 3-Phase is an artist development collaboration between two artist-led organisations Eastside Projects (Birmingham) and g39 (Cardiff), and Jerwood Charitable Foundation, through its London based gallery programme Jerwood Visual Arts. 3-Phase offers two early career artists the opportunity to make new work which will be exhibited through five new exhibitions across the collaborating galleries. Across the year-long programme, each artist has had access ongoing curatorial and practical support from the partners.
Kelly Best and Georgie Grace have been selected from more than 90 applications.

Applications for Jerwood Encounters: 3-Phase were sought through Eastside Projects’ Extra Special People associates scheme and g39’s Wales Artist Resource Programme.

    The following Artists were in this show:
  • Kelly Best
  • Kelly Best, Sunder, 2015
