One-to-One sessions for artists:
Paddy Gould + Roxy Topia

13 - 14 January 2023

Start the year off with some valuable creative conversations. We’ve got Roxy Topia and Paddy Gould visiting Cardiff to do 1-2-1s at g39. // Dechreuwch y flwyddyn gyda rhai sgyrsiau creadigol gwerthfawr. Mae Roxy Topia a Paddy Gould yn ymweld â Chaerdydd i wneud sesiynau un-i-un yn g39.

Book a place HERE>>
Archebwch lle YMA>>

Paddy Gould and Roxy Topia are collaborative artists currently based in Birkenhead, UK. Founders of Pink Sands Studio; an independent press for Artist publications. Their work has a strong distinctive aesthetic working with drawing, printing, painting, fabrics and digitally manipulated images, within the framework of sculpture. Through Pink Sands Studio they print and distribute poetry, art writing, prints, and interviews with artists.
