About g39
Sign up
3-Phase Georgie Grace
14 November - 12 December 2015
Jerwood Encounters: 3-Phase
It`s the Engels of the world as we know it and we feel fine
29 March
10:00-16:00, Artist & Radical Book Fair // Fair Artistiaid a Llyfrau Radical
I Am A Man At Work, Joshua Jones
20 March
18:00-20:00, Publication Launch // Lansio Cyhoeddiad
Studies In...
16 February - 16 March
Working Party: Library
5 February - 7 March
Gadael 2024 ar ôl // Heading into 2025
19 - 31 December
Adolygiad newyddion 2024 // A review of 2024
Winter Gallery Weekend
22 - 24 November
Workshop: Aqsa Arif
16 November
14.00-16.00, Weaving Our Histories Through Fabric
Cinema Programme: UNITe
1 November
Stephen Sutcliffe
18 October
The event is free, Friday 18th October, 6pm - 8pm, and there will be refreshments and a chance to see what has been happening on UNITe 2024 so far.
Gwaith x g39: Potluck Cinema
4 October
Larry Achiampong
3 October
Join us for the talk, have a drink, see UNITe 2024, have a chat. Thursday 3rd October, 6pm - 8pm. Free. Everyone is invited! // Ymunwch â ni ar gyfer sgwrs i gael diod, gweld UNITe 2024, a chael sgwrs. Am ddim. Mae croeso i bawb!
Cinema: The Film London Jarman Award 2024
3 October
Larry Achiampong, Maeve Brennan, Melanie Manchot, Rosalind Nashashibi, Sin Wai Kin, Maryam Tafakory - All day screening in the g39 Cinema // Trwy`r dydd mewn sinema g39
UNITe 2024
18 September - 26 November
Jessica Horsley, Rhys Slade Jones, Esyllt Lewis, Sophie Lindsey & Sophie Mak-Schram & Amy Treharne
Listening Session: Paul Nataraj + Alliyah Enyo
6 September
`HANDLE WITH CARE` In Conversation:
Che Applewhaite & Olukemi Lijadu
5 September
Che is part of Jerwood Survey III, open until 07/09/24.
Sam Keelan
9 August
Join us for the talk, have a drink, see the show, have a chat. Free. Everyone is invited! // Ymunwch â ni ar gyfer sgwrs i gael diod, gweld yr arddangosfa, a chael sgwrs. Am ddim. Mae croeso i bawb!
2 August
Hosted by // A gynhelir gan Jonny Cotsen
Jerwood Survey III
13 July - 7 September
Che Applewhaite, Aqsa Arif, MV Brown, Philippa Brown, Alliyah Enyo, Sam Keelan, Paul Nataraj, Ciarán Ó’Dochartaigh, Ebun Sodipo and Kandace Siobhan Walker.
Thomas Abercromby
21 June
All g39 events are free, doors open at 6pm, there are refreshments. The OPEN exhibition & The Healing Project is also open. // Mae holl ddigwyddiadau g39 am ddim, drysau yn agor am 6yh, mae lluniaeth. Mae`r arddangosfa AGORED & The Healing Project hefyd ar agor.
Exhibition: The Healing Project
8 - 22 June
Abeer Ameer, Nasima Begum, Yanti Hashim, Sweeta Hasmi, Husna Hossain, Ayesha Ibrahim, Samar Iqbal, Jaffrin Khan, Anjuman Khanom, Neda Muhammad, Hanan Sandercock
OPEN Exhibition 2024
8 - 22 June
Corrina Eastwood
The Baby And The Snake
3 May
Gypsy Makers
10 April - 25 May
Daniel Baker, Rosamaria Kostic Cisneros, Artur Conka, Corrina Eastwood, Cas Holmes, Billy Kerry, Shamus McPhee & Dan Turner
Cinema Programme: Betwixt
16 March
Gallery 2 // Galeri 2:
We Ran Together
10 February - 23 March
Durre Shahwar - Michal Iwanowski - George H. Wale
Social: Neighbourhood Crowd 2024
27 January - 23 November
Here, at the edge, today.
27 January - 23 March
Zara Mader, Gail Howard, Adele Vye, Sadia Pineda Hameed & Beau W Beakhouse & Phoebe Davies.
Gallery Intern - g39
10 January - 13 February
Talk // Sgwrs: Beatriz Lobo
14 December
Free // Am ddim. 14/12/23, 18.00-20.00 The talk will start at 18.30 // Bydd y Sgwrs yn dechrau am 18.30
Talk // Sgwrs:
Emma Hart
29 November
Cinema // Sinema: Jarman Film London 2023 screening
10 November
Ayo Akingbade - Andrew Black - Julianknxx -
Sophie Koko Gate - Karen Russo - Rehana Zaman
Talk // Sgwrs:
Andrew Black
10 November
Gallery // Galeri:
We Ran Together - Richard Billingham
27 October - 16 December
Cinema: Fake Your Death,
Take a Seat
16 September
Mae g39 yn falch o groesawu Fake Your Death, Take a Seat - y trydydd mewn cyfres o ddangosiadau ffilm wleidyddol rhad ac am ddim sy`n cael eu cynnal ledled Caerdydd. // g39 is proud to host Fake Your Death, Take a Seat - the third in a series of free political film screenings taking place across Cardiff. Picking up the baton from @dyddiaudu
Publication Launch:
No Time to Plan an Ending
7 September
Publication Launch
1-2-1 sessions
31 August - 2 September
Shelter Auction
30 August - 2 September
Cinema - Jitterbug by Ayo Akingbade
18 August
Ayo Akingbade’s Jitterbug marks the rising London filmmaker`s thirteenth short film and continues her exploration into the city’s rapidly changing landscape. // Mae Jitterbug gan Ayo Akingbade yn nodi trydedd ffilm fer ar ddeg y gwneuthurwr ffilmiau addawol o Lundain, ac mae’n parhau â’i harchwiliad i dirwedd y ddinas sy’n prysur newid.
Talk: Priyesh Mistry
27 July
Open table
23 July - 25 August
Derek Jarman - Blue
15 July
Screening // Sgrinio
madeinroath Open Exhibition 2023
14 July - 12 August
(Team) Work in Practice: Jerwood Toolkit Workshop
7 July
Performance: SCORE
1 July
Intervention: Teddy Hunter and Imogen Marooney
1 July
Live performance // Perfformiad yn fyw
On Your Face Collective Queer Short Films
30 June
Mauve, Jim and John
Paul Maheke
30 June
Mauve, Jim and John is part of The Artangel Collection. // Mae ‘Mauve, Jim and John’ yn rhan o The Artangel Collection.
Workshop: SSAP at Refugee Week 2023
24 June
Donations on the door.
Library Residency: Joshua Jones
16 June - 16 July
16 June - 3 September
g39 Summer Season
In The Same Breath
20 May
All day sgreening - sinema drwy`r dydd
Burning Things
19 May
All day sgreening - sinema drwy`r dydd
Soft split the Stone
8 April - 20 May
Philippa Brown, Aled Simons, Tom Cardew, Alice Briggs, Rebecca Jagoe
Pave Your Path:
Open Call // Galwad Agored
20 - 31 January
Career-focused Workshops for Moving Image Artists
g39 is pleased to be collaborating with Film London and Videotage, Hong Kong, to invite six Welsh or Wales based early career artists to apply to the Pave Your Path programme. The programme will support moving image artists who are working to build their careers in the art sector.
One-to-One sessions for artists:
Paddy Gould + Roxy Topia
13 - 14 January
Start the year off with some valuable creative conversations. We’ve got Roxy Topia and Paddy Gould visiting Cardiff to do 1-2-1s at g39. // Dechreuwch y flwyddyn gyda rhai sgyrsiau creadigol gwerthfawr. Mae Roxy Topia a Paddy Gould yn ymweld â Chaerdydd i wneud sesiynau un-i-un yn g39.
Situated Psychogeography - Delphi Campbell
3 December
Zine-making with Delphi Campbell
26 November
14.00 - 16.00
19 November - 17 December
Farah Allibhai, Lia Bean, Leila Bebb, Candice Black, Arty Jen-Jo, Deborah Dalton, Paddy Faulkner, Clarrie Flavell, Rebecca F Hardy, Emily-Jane Hillman, Jacqueline Janine Jones, Cerys Knighton, Ruben Lorca, Jo Munton, Roz Moreton, Ceridwen Powell, Gaia Redgrave, Tina Rogers, Menai Rowlands, Jordan Sallis, Booker Skelding, Bethany & Linda Sutton, Alana Tyson, Phillippa Walter, Sara Louise Wheeler, Julia Wilson.
Fran Flaherty & Ruth Fabby
19 November
10.30-12.00 Breakfast Club/Gallery Talk with exhibition selectors // Clwb Brecwast/Sgwrs Oriel gyda detholwyr arddangosfeydd
Talk//Sgwrs: Jay Bedwani
28 October
Talk // Sgwrs: Grace Ndiritu
26 October
Talk // Sgwrs (IRL and Zoom, blended event) 26/10/22, 18.00-19.30
Talk // Sgwrs - Gypsy Maker 5
24 October
Imogen Bright Moon, Corrina Eastwood & Dr Daniel Baker
The 2022 Jarman Award // Gwobr Jarman 2022
21 October
Jamie Crewe - Onyeka Igwe - Grace Ndiritu - Morgan Quaintance - Rosa-Johan Uddoh - Alberta Whittle
Selected 12
20 October
Sarah Gonnet - Sophie Hoyle - Jessy Jetpacks - Seo Hye Lee - April Lin 林森 - Laura Lulika - Jennifer Mehigan - Ker Wallwork.
Talk//Sgwrs: Machynys Forgets Itself - Tom Cardew
21 September
Kathryn Ashill - Principal Boy
17 September - 29 October
Kath Ashill Ft. Len Blanco & Megan Winstone
Heavy Water Collective
- residency
4 - 10 July
Victoria Lucas, Joanna Whittle & Maud Haya-Baviera
tibrO yalP
1 July - 20 August
g39 Fellowship FOUR
1 April - 31 March
Zara Mader, Phoebe Davies
Gail Howard, Adele Vye
Sadia Pineda Hameed & Beau Beakhouse.
9 March - 14 May
George Hampton Wale, Adam Moore, Zillah Bowes,
Gwenllian Davenport & Umulkhayr Mohamed
Dolly Sen - Broken Hearts for the DWP
3 March
A screening and Q&A with //
Sgriniad a sesiwn holi ac ateb gyda:
Dolly Sen & Caroline Cardus
Open Exhibition 2022
2 - 5 March
MiR warmly invites you to submit work for this year’s Open Exhibition, which, after a two year hiatus, we are delighted to announce will be at g39 in March 2022. Mae MiR yn eich gwahodd i gyflwyno gwaith ar gyfer yr Arddangosfa Agored ym mis Mawrth 2022, ac yn dilyn seibiant o ddwy flynedd rydym yn hynod falch o gyhoeddi mai g39 bydd y lleoliad eleni.
Cekca Het:
Trans Panic:
Rhiannon Lowe:
Burn It Down
10 December
18.30 - 20.00 drop in.
Freya Dooley
Temporary Commons
3 December
11.00-17.00. Screenings on the hour, Dur. 43 minutes
A Call-Out for Trustees -
g39 needs your help.
3 December - 28 January
g39 needs your help.
Mae angen eich help ar g39
Talk // Sgwrs:
Adham Faramawy
11 November
The 2021 Film London
Jarman Award Touring Programme
11 November
Larry Achiampong, Sophia Al-Maria, Jasmina Cibic, Adham Faramawy, Guy Oliver, Georgina Starr.
To Plan
an Ending
16 October - 18 December
Becca + Clare, Freya Dooley, Rebecca Gould,
Rhiannon Lowe, Will Roberts, Neasa Terry
Nicolaas van de Lande
10 September
Artist-led Shape-shifting
Artes Mundi Screenings:
Carrie Mae Weems
4 September
Constructing History: A Requiem to Mark the Moment, 2008 Dur:20’04’’ & The Baptism, 2020 Dur:11’35’’
Talk // Sgwrs:
Heather Phillipson
& Holly Davey
20 August
Artes Mundi Screenings:
Dineo Seshee Bopape
20 August
Title unknown at time of publication, 2018. Dur. 33’40”
Artes Mundi Screenings:
Meiro Koizumi
17 August
AntiDream #2 Torch Ritual Edit, 2021 , Dur: 28’00’’
Talk // Sgwrs:
Rebecca Moss
& Mel Brimfield
12 August
Intermission: mwnwgl
1 August
Florence Boyd -
What’s it worth?
valuing opportunities.
30 July
Shaun James:
Gallwch Argraffu Sgrin //
You Can Screen Print
30 July
Shaun James has put together this series of screen printing training videos. // Mae Shaun James wedi rhoi at ei gilydd cyfres o fideos hyfforddi argraffu sgrin.
Artes Mundi Screenings:
Beatriz Santiago Muñoz
25 July
La Cueva Negra, 2012. 20’00” & La cabeza mató a todos, 2014. Dur: 07’30”
Talk // Sgwrs:
Libita Sibungu
24 July
3 July - 11 September
Saelia Aparicio, Tereza Červeňová, Sadé Mica, Rebecca Moss, Cinzia Mutigli, Katarzyna Perlak, Shenece Oretha, Tako Taal, Nicolaas van de Lande, Angharad Williams
The Male Graze - Guerrilla Girls
18 June - 18 July
Art Night 2021:
Nothing Compares 2 U
Jerwood UNITe 2021 Open Studios
3 - 5 June
Gweni Llwyd - Wendy Short - Gwenda Evans - Beau Beakhouse & Sadia Pineda Hameed - Yewande YoYo Odunubi
Talk // Sgwrs: Katrina Palmer
28 May
Simon Fenoulhet - How do I go Public?
14 May
G39 artist Resources // Adnoddau artist g39
Gaia Redgrave - Kindness
14 May
G39 artist Resources // Adnoddau artist g39
Talk // Sgwrs: Tai Shani
6 May
We are really pleased to host Tai Shani for an online talk this Summer. Thursday 6th May 2021, between 6-8pm
3 - 27 March
Kelly Best, Jennifer Taylor, Ian Watson, Fern Thomas.
Finding Aarti
12 February - 1 March
Intermission - Radha Patel
g39 Fellowship THREE
1 January - 0 January
Rebecca Jagoe, Aled Simons,
Alice Briggs, Philippa Brown
and Tom Cardew.
Madam Kamboulé
Adéọlá Dewis
18 December - 1 March
Intermission - Adéọlá Dewis
Request Stop
11 December - 1 March
Intermission - Sarah Jenkins
The Value of Housework
27 November - 1 March
Intermission - Nasima Begum
Michelle Williams Gamaker
15 October
19.00-21.00 -
Zoom event via
Eventbrite below
The 2020 Film London Jarman Award
14 - 15 October
Michelle Williams Gamaker, Jenn Nkiru,
Hannah Quinlan and Rosie Hastings,
Project Art Works, Larissa Sansour,
Andrea Luka Zimmerman
Talk: Gypsy Maker 4 - Cas Holmes & Dan Turner
30 September
Online event with Isaac Blake and Daniel Baker 6-8pm //
6-8yp Digwyddiad ar-lein gydag Isaac Blake a Daniel Baker.
Rosalie Schweiker - Artist Talk
21 June
Hosted by g39 and the artist on Zoom
We are still here // Rydyn ni dal yma
28 March - 28 July
RAT TRAP x g39
22 February - 29 March
Aled Simons, Carlota Nóbrega, Cybi Williams, Dylan Huw, Elin Meredydd, Ella Jones, Gweni Llwyd, Hugo
Intermission 2020
0 January - 1 March
Adeola Dewis - Aled Simons - Aurora & Nasima Begum
mwnwgl - Rabab Ghazoul - Radha Patel - Sarah Jenkins
Noson Calan Gaeaf
w/ Aled Simons and friends
0 January
UNITe 2019
25 October - 21 December
Daniel Clark ~ Mylo Elliott ~ Sophie Lindsey ~ Natasha MacVoy Amber Mottram ~ Manon Parry ~ Radha P
g39 Fellowship TWO
25 September - 25 June
g39 Fellowship – Year Two Artists Announced
Sprung Spring
10 August - 12 October
Tim Bromage - Philippa Brown – Marcos Chaves - Rebbeca Gould - George Manson - Nightshift Internat
4 May - 13 July
Emanuel Almborg / Paul Eastwood / Nooshin Farhid James Moore / Paula Morison / Jessica Warboys
Love Hangover
4 May - 13 July
g39 Fellowship - ONE
1 April - 0 January
2 February - 0 January
The 2018 Jarman Award
15 November
Das Hund
8 November
All At Once.
At The Same Time.
3 November - 19 January
The Baffling
14 - 20 October
UNITe 2018
30 June - 22 September
The Rejoinders
12 May - 2 June
28 April - 2 June
3 March - 14 April
The Conversation
11 November - 3 February
Excluding 17 December - 9 January / Ar gau 17 Rhagfyr - 9 Ionawr
A Template For Application
11 November - 3 February
21 April - 9 September
Rythms and Disturbances. Performance and Book Launch
10 March
Freya Dooley
- Rhythms and Disturbances
22 October - 17 December
S Mark Gubb
– Revelations: The Poison of Free Thought, Prt II
Mike Kelley
– Mobile Homestead
22 October - 17 December
Noëmi Lakmaier - Cherophobia
7 - 9 September
does that include us? / yn cynnwys ni? part 2
3 - 24 September
Part two
SARGY MANN see more > see different > see better
UNIT#1 Carl Slater - Miss America’s Trip to Technoland
23 July - 20 August
does that include us? / yn cynnwys ni? Part 1
23 July - 20 August
Just Between Us
28 May - 25 June
Thomas Williams/ g39/ The Trinity Centre
Sticky little touchstones called plans
1 May - 1 June
UNIT#1 Sam Basu and Kelwin Palmer
15 April - 12 May
The Project of Art: Aldo Rossi
Limen Locale
15 April - 25 June
UNIT(e) 2016
13 January - 19 March
3-Phase Georgie Grace
14 November - 12 December
Jerwood Encounters: 3-Phase
3 October - 12 December
3-PHASE Kelly Best
3 - 30 October
4 July - 12 September
Unit#1 Simon Fenoulhet: Underground
16 May - 13 June
Unit#1 Ben Lloyd: The Road To New York
11 April - 2 May
The Starry Messenger
11 April - 13 June
UNIT(e) 2015
15 January - 14 March
Unit#1: Siân Melangell Dafydd – Foxy
15 November - 13 December
Carwyn Evans: UDO
4 October - 13 December
Unit#1: Inga Burrows - Offset
4 October - 1 November
Reflections Towards a Well-tempered Environment
Part two:
Ship`s Biscuit
3 October - 9 November
Alex Rich - Cardiff Contemporary 2014
Reflections Towards a Well-tempered Environment
Part three:
A Flare for a Horn
3 October - 9 November
Alex Rich - Cardiff Contemporary 2014
Reflections Towards a Well-tempered Environment
Part one:
3 October - 9 November
Alex Rich - Cardiff Contemporary 2014
Cities of Ash
12 July - 13 September
If This Is Nowhere
12 July - 13 September
Work by Tom Crawford and associated programme
Unit#1 Shaun Featherstone (Frock n Robe)
7 - 24 May
The Red Shoes
Richard Of York Gave Battle In Vain
5 April - 21 June
Unit#1 Megan Broadmeadow
5 April - 3 May
Under The Influence
UNIT(e) 2014
15 January - 15 March
Unit#1 James Green
0 January - 21 June
Democracy Sandwich
21 November
WJEC Foundation Excellence Exhibition and Awards
9 - 14 November
Lost in Transit
19 October - 0 January
Offsite project at Cathays Library for MadeinRoath 2013
17 - 24 October
The annual hyper-local festival
The John Gingell Award
17 August - 28 September
Barnraising & Bunkers
8 May - 29 June
There Will Be Words
13 - 28 March
Symposia/ Exhibition/ Projects
Recycled Cinema
10 - 24 November
Brzeska`s Eagle
13 October - 0 January
Chekhov`s Gun
29 September - 15 December
Unit#1 Huw Andrews
10 - 24 August
Unit#1 David Shepherd
14 - 28 July
Unit#1: Rachel Calder
15 - 30 June
The Autobiography of a Super-Tramp
6 June - 25 August
Art Car Bootique 2012
15 April
Cardiff`s best annual car boot fair event at Chapter Arts Centre
g39`s Great Big Open Day
17 December
GOLDEN ROD Adorned Log
28 October - 2 November
21 - 30 October
Richard Higlett
Welcome To Your World
1 - 15 October
22 June - 2 July
The grand finale of the g39 project...
30 April - 1 May
Offsite project at Halle 14, Leipzig, Germany
If.... Alistair Owen
16 March - 2 April
Show One Of Each: Maia Conran
4 February - 12 March
If.... Lulu Allison
12 - 29 January
The Last Days of The Empire
4 - 22 December
On Collecting: Transactions in Contemporary Art
3 December
Symposium at Reardon Smith Lecture Theatre, National Museum Cardiff
Show One Of Each: Pascal-Michel Dubois
22 October - 27 November
I saw my destiny in the corner of my eyes
If.... Richard Cook
29 September - 16 October
21 August - 25 September
Lauren Elizabeth Jury, Will Woon, Mark Folds
If.... Dawn Woolley
28 July - 14 August
Unassembed Information: Towards an archive
8 - 24 July
With associated conference at NMW on 8 July 11-4
If.... Candice Jacobs
7 - 24 July
Awst & Walther:
The Conversation
29 May - 3 July
If.... Samuel Hasler: Block
4 - 22 May
Short Cuts
27 March - 1 May
If.... Heather Phillipson
24 February - 13 March
If.... Lesley Guy
3 - 20 February
Richard Bevan
12 December - 30 January
Closed 20 December - 5 January
December Eleven
11 December
Building Up Not Tearing Down
11 - 19 December
An off-site project at Tactile Bosch, Cardiff
If.... Rabab Ghazoul
18 November - 5 December
Infernal Machine
10 October - 14 November
Drawn In, Drawn Out, Drawn Round
1 - 12 October
An offsite exhibition at National Theatre Wales
If.... Hayley Lock
16 September - 3 October
For Sale: Baby Shoes, Never Worn
8 August - 12 September
5 - 22 August
An offsite exhibition at National Theatre Wales
The Golden Record
16 May - 20 June
Jackie Chettur: 310
28 March - 2 May
Helen Sear
31 January - 7 March
Simon Holly :
The tipyn point
29 November - 17 January
Rebecca Spooner: The White Stag
4 October - 1 November
If You Build It They Will Come
9 July - 9 August
Anna Barratt
17 May - 14 June
Jennie Savage: A Million Moments
19 April - 5 May
Special arcade screening: Friday 18 April 8.00-9.15pm
Mike Murray: Building Blocks
5 April - 3 May
Neil McNally: Death is colder than love
16 February - 15 March
Loners` Island
24 November - 12 January
Innocence and despair
29 September - 3 October
Distance Learning
11 August - 15 September
The Real Writers` Residency
16 March - 14 April
Media Attention
6 January - 10 February
Spirit Level
1 July - 5 August
Bull & Bear
20 May - 17 June
The Ballad of Barrie J
8 April - 6 May
11 February - 18 March
25 November - 26 February
Offsite at Moravská Gallery, Brno
On leaving and arriving
17 September - 21 October
16 July - 20 August
Beginning, middle & end
12 March - 23 April
One night stand
5 - 27 February
The Independents
4 September - 9 October
Flim Flam
26 June - 30 July
17 April - 22 May
Point of departure
21 February - 27 March
Apropos of nothing
1 November - 13 December
Experimentica 03
8 - 12 October
16 August - 20 September
Picsel+ 2003
4 July - 3 August
26 April - 17 May
1 March - 0 January
We`re not here to give you pleasure
16 November - 14 December
25 September - 19 October
3 July - 4 August
29 June - 20 July
Possible, not probable
8 May - 0 January
Ffresh 3
23 February - 0 January
...but still
16 January - 9 February
16 January - 10 February
5 - 22 December
From A to B [via C]
10 October - 2 November
In Retrospect
15 August - 7 September
4 June - 28 July
7 April - 5 May
Under Construction
9 March - 0 January
29 November - 22 December
20 September - 7 October
modus operandi
22 July - 19 August
Half a tick
17 May - 3 June
29 March - 22 April
Slash and Burn
15 January - 0 January
Hard Copy
3 July - 0 January
The Inversion Project
27 January - 12 February
10 - 23 December
18 November - 5 December
24 October - 21 November
Weighting Rooms
28 August - 26 September
3 July - 1 August